Can Wang

I Am Rocker

A lot of people use the word "Rocker" nowadays, and use it incorrectly. They take the word to mean any person who likes to listen to Rock and Roll Music. What Rocker really means is someone who *loves* Rock. No just likes listeing to it, or enjoys going to the concerts, but really hardcore, in the bone, woven into the very soul LOVES Rock and Roll Music. To some people, like myself, Rock is like a drug. I have to have my Ozzy fix in the early morning, or I'm no good for the school day. Occasionally during the lunch hour a craving'll hit, and I'll slip down to Nowhere's for a burger and a shot of Bon Jovi. When I get home I'll just lie down on my bed and OD on Queensryche and STYX and pass out, and wake up the next morning. Because, like drugs and cigarettes and every other vice, music isn't allowed on campus either, except for band and choir (which don't count. Sorry about this band nerds, but "Living la Vida Loca" was not meant to be played by a poorly trained high school marching band.)

I'm a true rocker. A lot of people would be surprised to hear that, but it's true. My heart beats along to the sound of a bass drum and my soul twangs like a Fender guitar. Had I been born in a time without Rock, there would be this bit inside me that would be hollow. It would make a "Clonk" noise if you hit it with a stick. And I love it indescrimanately. My rack's got everything on it from Sabbath to Simon and Garfunkel to Frank Zappa. And I'm not one of these guys, you've probably seen one or two, who look as though their entire wardrobe consists of concert T-Shirts and torn blue jeans. I wear normal clothes. Well, OK that's debateable. I doubt a lot of people would call wearing an entire 'Charlie Brown' costume normal, but fairly normal. This is because, if you have a person waist deep in water, you can see they're waist deep in water. But when someone's completely submerged (possibly with some kind of weights on their feet to keep them from floating) they look just like people who are not even in the water.

People are surprised to learn I like Black Sabbath and Ozzy and that sort of stuff. I'm a pretty straight-laced guy most of the time. I've only really got into trouble once. Somebody had the nerve to insult Buddy Holly in my presence. I believe he still walks with the limp.

*Rambles Main*

God Gave Rock & Roll To You, Gave Rock & Roll To You, Put It In The Soul Of Everyone.