Rock on, Greg... Rock on...


Music has a way of making people come together. Like that "Sun City" Concert. Nobody knows this fact better than Johnny Woodstock (Vocals, guitars), Sara V (Bass), Wapster(Keyboards and assorted), and Blind Willie Mellon (procussion), better known collectively as the band "Flat as a Trout".

The music of these unique individuals has become a beacon, bringing all nerds, worldwide, together. A major rally is planned in the near future.

In the year of the Lemon (1990) the funny four won the annual Nowheresian "Battle of the Bands", getting the shot at a record deal and garanteeing one album.

Minty Fresh: Album Cover

This album, "Minty Fresh" told the story of the life and times of lead singer, Johnny Woodstock, and how he met his freinds and subsequently formed the band. The combination of meaningful songs (Like their hit from the album, "Landscape of the Imagination") and outragous skits (Like "Snack bar", portraying the exploits of Johnny's breif stint as a snack bar cashier) made them a place in the Nowheresian hearts, minds, and colons.

Welcome to the Show: Album Cover

Album number two, "Welcome to the Show", explores the mysteries of the universe, as FAAT sees them. Why are we born? Why do we die? Who invented telemarketing? Why does Spam exist? Such questions are attempted to be answered in "Welcome to the Show"

The new album is coming, they are apparently through recording it and are beginning to seirously promote the sucker. It's called "Music to Get Really Smashed By." I'll have the lyrics up as soon as I purchase the album.


Purple Schmurple, I think it's Puce.