Rock on, Greg... Rock on...

The Rules of Concertgoing

These rules are mainly for outdoor concerts. Indoor one have a completely different set of protocol, which I do not pretend to know anything about.

Rule One: Always bring a big blanket
I know some who would forego the large blanket in favor of the added comfort of lawn chairs, or those cool vinal chairs with the cup holders. Listen not to these ignorants! The big blanket is much to be preferred, for two reasons. 1: is the space. You can stretch out, lay down, dance, whatever, on your own blanket. Number 2 is the stake. With the chairs, you will usually end up sitting much closer to complete strangers than you would usually prefer. The blanket, however, is a definite territory. The blanket is saying to others, "This land, which lies between the edges of my blanket, is my own domain."

Rule Two: Get there early
You know that time you thought was early? The one you planned out beforehand? Get there about 45minutes before that. Otherwise, your carefully planned arse will be standing in a huge line.

Rule Three: Find a spot and DON'T FRICKING MOVE!
For no reason get up from your spot. If the earth is threatening to swallow a puppy, don't get up unless someone is saving your spot. Otherwise, you will lose it.

Rule Four: The Drunk Rule
There will always be one incredibly drunk couple sitting very close to you. They will shout things at the stage in the hopes the artist or band onstage will hear them, even all the way from the back row. Shout along with them, it's fun. If you happen to be the drunk couple, make sure that you have a designated driver.

Rule Five: The Clapping Rule
If you are clapping in the way where your hands are at your sides and you bring them allthe way over your head in a clapping motion,make sure you are too far away to hit somebody on the way back down. This can lead to disasterous consequences.

*Rambles Main*

Music will be the answer, Let it Be.