Give yourself over to the Fallow Side...

This is a song that I wrote, originally in the memory of the wars between the Loonybits and the Arts and Entertainment Channel. It sort of went off and now it is called...


The loonybits was a sailing ship
Which sailed upon the land
The Crewmates were loons
spirits high as baloons
oh what a merry band,
I say oh what a merry band

The Crewmates sat themselves down one day
to watch a little TV
But Monty Python
Was not on
The channel A&E,
T'was not on A&E

Then spammissus, hull scraper siad,
"This is unfair to we.
They took our show off,
So let's kick their oss"
Screaming, "Death to A&E"
She screamed "Death to A&E"

The crew then went about setting sail
Then sailed upon the shore
The A&E execs freared
As this cry were heared
"Your mother was a whore
Yes they called their mothers whores

Then the loonybits fought, and they kicked them in nads
and they kicked them in the wossnames
Kicked them in the balls
right between the leg halls
And other things which mean the same
Other things that mean the same

They then went to starbucks for a small coffee break
and they all ordered small blacks
but when their order was brought
it was not what they thought
black teeshirts were dropped in their laps
small black teeshirts were dropped in their laps

Then they went and made fun of them, and got all satirical
and called the manager a tit.
and when the dust had settled
The manager said they'rd be trouble
"Bud you don't know the half of it"
The manager didn't know half of it

#What, he only knew the letter I?# *No, I think it was the T that he knew about.* #ANYONE working at Starbucks knows about *Tea*.# *I think the song's over now.* #Is it?# *I think we should probably stop here.* #Yeah, alright.#

Rambles main

Well, the song is over, but the party's just begun!